
Cargo Screening Services

Dedicated to the safety of your aircraft, flight crew, and passengers.

Effective and efficient air cargo screening has never been more critical.

The experienced cargo screeners of ACTS use the latest screening procedures and tools to ensure the safest flights possible.

Our parent company, ICTS Europe, has pioneered the development of numerous screening and decision support systems, that incorporate electronic, manual, and canine search disciplines. Each of these capabilities are designed to deliver the most reliable air cargo screening available.

ACTS specializes in all facets of federally mandated air cargo inspection requirements. Our screening teams follow stringent TSA requirements and continually update training and tools to conform to ongoing revisions in federal and airport regulations.

Operating in more than 30 airports across the United States, ACTS provides international and domestic airlines, cargo handlers, and freight forwarders with the latest tools, training, and protocols necessary to stay in compliance with federal regulations.

Solutions include:
  • Cargo screening (X-Ray, Explosive Trace Detection (ETD), Physical)
  • Chain of custody escort for cargo
  • Aircraft, warehouse, and high value cargo access control
  • TSA third party canine (3PK9) screening solutions
  • RASCargO™ (also known as REST)

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has designated ACTS Cargo Screening Services at the TSA Certified Cargo Screening Facilities (CCSFs) where it conducts cargo screening operations as a Qualified Anti-Terrorist Technology.

ACTS welcomes the opportunity to evaluate your cargo screening operations and offer ideas for potential enhancements. To schedule your free consultation, contact ACTS.

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Aviation and airport security programs are essential in protecting the traveling public and the critical infrastructure upon which they rely.
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